cant hide any l0nger..
i am n0w realise that everything isnt like bef0re
everything gets t0ugher and t0ugher as i walked up the winding r0ad
t0 tell the truth,
i never feel h0w failing exam was until i g0t here
the first time i was t0ld t0 repeat the exam,
my heart sank int0 the deepest sea
but i dare n0t t0 cry
i t0ok the repeat test
but i was tested 0nce again,
i had t0 take an0ther repeat
just f0r the same 1st c0ll0q
but still i dare n0t t0 cry
the 2nd c0ll0q,
i t0ok 0n the 0ther day
n0t the same day as 0thers
i have t0 take 0nce m0re repeat
but still
i dare n0t t0 cry
but this w0rds always c0ating my tiny brain
"am i n0t go0d en0ugh?"
but i think
the hardest-t0-accept truth 0f an answer
"i am to0 lazy!"
i sh0uld d0 m0re revisi0n
but is it true en0ugh?
in seeking f0r the best s0luti0n
i reviewed my 0ld sch0ol life
study was an interesting thing
but revisi0n isn't
and why i still g0t go0d marks bef0re?
c0z i really L0ve T0 KN0W
t0 kn0w m0re ab0ut everything
everything 0n this w0rld 0f his
but n0w?
i was m0re t0 ign0re th0se feelings
and i did cried
it was t0o late f0r a c0meback in exam
but still n0t t0 learn and study
what am i d0ing?
i keep advising myself~^^"
just keep smiling
and u kn0w u can d0 it!
there's still space f0r me!
p/s: whateva it is.. n0w is t0 enj0y life and study~^^
neva get pressed by the situati0n!
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